
Turn today’s seed into
tomorrow’s harvest

Today, there is a rare opportunity in front of you to grow your wealth.

Are you ready to take it?

In volatile times like those that we are currently facing, much of the world becomes paralysed. Meanwhile, the savvy investors and leaders pounce, enjoying success and advancing their wealth strategies like never before. 

You don’t need to be a financial whiz, either. You just need the right people in your corner. 

With professional wealth management advice, you can capitalise on today’s circumstances and take giant strides towards your goals. 

We help you overcome the uncertainty of the financial markets, providing expert guidance and independent support for your investment and wealth strategy, creating a prosperous future for you and your family. 

What we do

And how we can help you

Strategic financial planning

Get equipped with smart advice to make informed decisions about your financial future, giving you the direction you need to maximise your financial security for now and through retirement. At Heard Financial all of your bases are covered, including tax, risk management, superannuation and estate planning, specific to your unique circumstances.

Minimise tax

When working hard and pouring your money into investments, the last thing you want is to lose a big chunk of it in tax … especially when you don’t have to! Working with your accountant, we ensure your financial assets are structured in the most appropriate way to minimise your tax liability, considering superannuation, family and discretionary trusts, private and public companies as well as individual and joint business names.

Personalised solutions and strategies

When it comes to wealth management, everyone has different needs and goals. After getting to know you and where you want to go, we research and analyse different markets to provide tailored solutions. We aim to provide a balanced mix of investments, focusing on diversity and minimising risk. This, combined with superior client service, technical skill and depth of knowledge, sets you up for success.

Strategic financial planning

Get equipped with smart advice to make informed decisions about your financial future, giving you the direction you need to maximise your financial security for now and through retirement. At Heard Financial all of your bases are covered, including tax, risk management, superannuation and estate planning, specific to your unique circumstances.

Minimise tax

When working hard and pouring your money into investments, the last thing you want is to lose a big chunk of it in tax … especially when you don’t have to! Working with your accountant, we ensure your financial assets are structured in the most appropriate way to minimise your tax liability, considering superannuation, family and discretionary trusts, private and public companies as well as individual and joint business names.

Personalised solutions and strategies

When it comes to wealth management, everyone has different needs and goals. After getting to know you and where you want to go, we research and analyse different markets to provide tailored solutions. We aim to provide a balanced mix of investments, focusing on diversity and minimising risk. This, combined with superior client service, technical skill and depth of knowledge, sets you up for success.

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How to leave a financial legacy

With the right planning, you can have an incredible lasting impact on future generations.
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How to invest in volatile times

Volatile times can leave many investors paralysed with fear, however it's precisely at times like this that the savvy investors can set themselves up to build generational wealth.
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Who do I listen to for financial advice?

These days there's no shortage of people who'll be very quick to offer you financial advice, but it's important to know who you can trust.
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High Net
Worth Leaders

Go from uncertain to unstoppable. Take the straight path to the retirement lifestyle you want, and the legacy you deserve. We take away the stress and mess of planning for your future, by providing the one-on-one guidance, advice and personal support you really need.


Take control of your future. With the right strategy and expert help, you’ll confidently and securely build wealth, getting set up for growth and freedom without having to lose your lifestyle on the way.

Couples & Families

Get financial independence. Create an achievable wealth plan that will give your family security, stability and a bright future. Wherever you’re at in your wealth and retirement plans, get the tailored advice you need to escape the rat race and live life on your terms.

Ready to take the next step, or want to know more?